- SAP system procedures are stored in the database sybsystemprocs.
- Any time you make changes to sybsystemprocs, back up the database.
Creating Temporary Tables:
- Create temporary tables either by preceding the table name in a create table statement with a pound sign (#), or by specifying the name prefix “tempdb..”.
- Temporary tables created with a pound sign are accessible only by the current SAP ASE session: users on other sessions cannot access them. These nonsharable, temporary tables have destroyed at the end of each session.
- Warning! Do not create temporary tables with the “tempdb..” prefix from inside a stored procedure unless you intend to share those tables among other users and sessions.
- Each time you restart SAP ASE, it copies model to tempdb, which clears the database. You cannot recover temporary tables.
for more info:
- sybsystemdb Database
- The sybsystemdb database stores information about distributed transactions.
- Information about remote servers participating in distributed transactions is stored in the syscoordinations table.
- The sybsystemdb database also stores information about SYB2PC transactions that use the SAP two phase commit protocol.
- The spt_committab table, which storesinformation about and tracks the completion status of each two-phase commit transaction, is stored in the sybsystemdb database.
See the Configuration Guide for your platform for information about two-phase commit transactions and how to create the sybsystemdb database.
sybmgmtdb Database:
The sybmgmtdb database stores jobs, schedules, scheduled jobs information, and data needed by the internal Job Scheduler task for processing.
pubs2 and pubs3 Sample Databases:
The pubs2 and pubs3 sample databases are provided as a learning tool for SAP ASE.
See the Configuration Guide for your platform for information about two-phase commit transactions and how to create the sybsystemdb database.
sybmgmtdb Database:
The sybmgmtdb database stores jobs, schedules, scheduled jobs information, and data needed by the internal Job Scheduler task for processing.
pubs2 and pubs3 Sample Databases:
The pubs2 and pubs3 sample databases are provided as a learning tool for SAP ASE.
- The sample databases are intended for training purposes only, and installing them is optional.
- Do not install them in an SAP ASE production environment.
- If space is a problem, instruct users to issue the begin transaction command before updating a sample database. After the user has finished updating one of the sample databases, he or she can issue the rollback transaction command to undo the changes.
sybdiag Database:
SAP Product Support may create the sybdiag database on your system for debugging purposes. This database holds diagnostic configuration data, and should not be used by customers.
Determining the Version of the Installation Scripts:
- sp_version lets you determine the current version of the scripts.
The syntax for sp_version is: sp_version [script_file [, “all”]]
• script_file is the name of the installation script (the default value is NULL).
• all reports details about each script, such as the date executed, and the length of time for execution.
If you run sp_version without any parameters, it reports on all scripts
sp_version null, 'all'
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